But first a quick update on the adoption process for us. This weekend we were supposed to have our last home visit, but our worker needed to reschedule it so that will be put off another week or so, no big deal. We will use the extra time to finish up that huge stack of papers on our dining room table.
First up this week was to finish all of our pre-service training in preparation for our formerly scheduled meeting on Sunday. A lot of readings and a "fun" online class later we're all wrapped up, and I can't say I'll miss a second of it. After that it was on to visit the doctor to have him fill out a form for us saying that in his opinion we were medically sound both physically and mentally to raise a child. Boom! Fooled him, I'm just a step above an adolescent mentally, and my wife might say that more times than not its like she already has a kid around the house to take care of. But he already signed the form and there are no take backs! Last on the list of must-do's this week was to head over to the DMV office for a FBI & BCI fingerprint background check to make sure we have no past secret lives that might disqualify us as parents.
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This process was summed up nicely by me dear friend Marc. |
I know I will turn out just fine, I just hope I don't learn that my sweet and beautiful Erin used to be a cut-throat black market international ivory trader and panther smuggler or something along those lines that might set of some red flags. Guess time will tell.
Ok, now on to the training. I'm happy to say that its actually progressing quite nicely. I guess the best way is to cover sport by sport.
My swim has noticeably improved, which I am most excited about. When I started this journey into the world of triathlon I thought "hey I can run and I've been in a pool, swimming will be golden". That was false, I was horrible. However, after a few months things have really started to shape up, I can actually get a mile (1640m) in straight without a break and can actually do it under 45 minutes. This seemed totally out of the realm of possibilities in January, which worried me due to the cut off times for Iron and Half Ironman races, but thats not until next year ;). My week generally consists of one open water and one pool swim, but the Canton Nat is closed for cleaning right now so the early morning pool swim is out. I am not sad about this, I like sleeping. So every Tuesday evening you'll find me on the beach in my wetsuit at Portage Lakes with a few teammates and friends getting ready to put some time into the lake. However some new friends of mine have convinced me that another open water swim on Sunday mornings at sunrise are a good idea, it is not, yet I still go. More on them later.
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Who knew it'd only be 65ish degrees in August, perfect time for a swim in a lake. |
I haven't had as much time on my bike of late as I would want, mainly due to this issue with it needing to rain nearly everyday or at least the set times that I would like to take it out and put some miles in. This coming weeks forecast however finally looks like it might lend some better results. I have been able to get in a couple 20 milers and a longer 36 mile ride a couple weeks ago and everything feels fine. I've been able to slowly start to creep up my average speed, which I credit mainly to the new bike rather than me. But I feel confident in it and don't have many concerns about that leg of the race, I'm looking forward to that one the most I think.
Lately my main focus has been on the run, mostly due to the next month and a half of my life. I am entering the first stage of what I have lovingly deemed The September Death March. This starts this Saturday with a half marathon, then continues 3 weeks later with the Oly Tri and ends two weeks after that with the Akron Marathon full course.
A couple months ago I met some great new guys, the a fore mentioned friends with the sunrise swim infatuation, and I joined up with them for Saturday morning runs. They are all apart of a team called Active:Water and are running the Akron half and full in order to raise money for their cause. It is a fantastic cause by the way, I'll include some links, I recommend checking them out. They have all be incredibly supportive in our journey so I decided to run the marathon with them to show my support for their cause. While I'm not an "official" member of their team, I'll be with them each step of the race, just like they all are with us during ours. Maybe one day I'll get a shirt so I can match too, my team's red gear clashes with their blue. Good thing I'm usually in front, ha.
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My shirt doesn't match, but whatcha gonna do. |
Last Saturday I put in the longest run I've ever done, 16 miles. It was long and I hurt a bit the next day, but I did it. Many of you know Erin and I's journey to healthy living that started almost 2 years ago now. When I started then I had never been able to run a single mile before. Hitting 16 and knowing that I could still do more and I wasn't dead really meant a lot to me. Then, however I realized that I still needed to add 10 more miles to hit a marathon. Then I cried a little inside.
Last year my goal was to just finish a half marathon and not walk. I did it and surprised my self by finishing at 2:03. Saturday I will race the same race with my brother but this time trying to finish sub 8 minute miles in under 1:45. Also beating Matt will be worth it too!
We made up a little flyer that I'll attach to this post if you'd like to share it with anyone or have somewhere you'd like to hang it to help us spread the message that would be great. Otherwise positive thoughts and ice packs are more than enough. So lets start this march. I just figure an adoption is a hard long run, if I can do that, this silly little death march will just be a drop in the bucket.
Give this a click to download a pdf of our flyer.
Buttacavoli Adoption Fundraiser Flyer
Some links to take a look at:
Team Active:Water
Running 4 H2O
Love wins,
Adam & Erin
Good post. Really liked the part about meeting awesome, and one attractively large headed, group of guys. They're probably really cool...